Working out with a Group

I don’t know about you but I find exercising at the gym to be one of the most boring activities that can be done on the face of the earth. As a matter of fact, the only thing worse than exercising at a gym in my opinion is exercising at home. Don’t get me wrong, I tried to do both on a number of different occasions and at times has succeeded for a while. Unfortunately, exercise in this matter does not keep my interest at all and I don’t necessarily enjoy stepping outside of my comfort zone in order to do it consistently. If you share my sentiments as far as this is concerned, what can be done in order to make sure that we get the exercise that we need?

First of all, we need to analyze why we do not enjoy exercising so that we can attack the problem from the root. Most of the time, it is simply a matter of being uncomfortable or being unable to stick with something long enough to make it a natural habit. Going to the gym can certainly be an uncomfortable experience, both mentally and physically. Hard physical exercise is going to be difficult and there is really no way around that but being in a room full of people that you don’t know certainly does not create a welcome environment. Since that is probably at the root of your problem as well, correcting it at that level will make any exercise that you need to do almost effortless.

The best thing that you can possibly do in order to enjoy the same fitness levels as those that exercise consistently is to enlist the help of a buddy. Pick a family member or a friend that you enjoy being around and get together with them on a schedule that will work for both of you to make sure that you are exercising consistently. Is it going to be work on your part? Yes, you are going to have to work in order to achieve your exercise goals. The fact of the matter is, once you are exercising with a friend it becomes a lot more enjoyable and even gets to the point where you may not consider it to be any effort at all. Give it a try for a couple of weeks and you will understand exactly what I am talking about.

Posted in Exercise for women