A Fun Day at the Park Can Keep You Fit

All of us enjoy some recreation from time to time but the type of recreation that we choose can differ from individual to individual. For some of us, recreation means getting out and doing something active but for others it may mean watching a movie or perhaps surfing the Internet. Unfortunately, all of us are dealing with a 24 hour day and it can be difficult for us to get adequate exercise unless we are taking advantage of every hour. Although it never hurts to sit around and do nothing on occasion, we need to make sure that we are getting some physical activity as well.

Nobody said that you need to go into the gym and sweat for an hour every day in order to get adequate exercise. The fact of the matter is, we can add some physical activity into our lives on a regular basis without even putting much effort into it. In some cases, we may put a lot of effort into the activity that we are doing but we make it enjoyable enough that it is not recognized as being hard work. If you find yourself in a position where you simply don’t have the time to exercise, take your recreation time and do something active with it.

A perfect example of how you could do this is by spending a day every week with your family at the park. You don’t have to do something that is extremely extravagant in order to enjoy a day like this, just getting out of the sun and playing a little while can add a lot of activity to your overall weekly exercise. If your children are young, put them in the stroller and take a walk through the park on a sunny afternoon. Your child will enjoy the time out in the air and you will enjoy the time as well.

If your children are older or if you want to spend some time at the park with your friends, some serious physical activity can ensue. Taking a frisbee and throwing it around or perhaps getting together a quick game of football are excellent ways for you to enjoy some physical activity without feeling like you are actually exercising. After all, being sedentary is only enjoyable to a certain degree, enjoying some time with friends at the park is something that you will enjoy every time it is done.

Posted in Exercise for women