Starting to Move

Getting up and moving every morning is an important habit to develop.  Too often, it’s easier to just “fall out of bed” instead of thinking of exercise to get the body moving.  Like any habit, new ones take a series of days to develop.  The subconscious mind has to latch onto the new idea that instead of getting up any old way, you’re going to bounce up and do a few jumping jacks, push ups against the wall or jog in place.  I’m only talking about a minutes or two at this point.   You don’t have to overdo.  The purpose is to get your blood circulating and to regulate blood balance. It jump starts the metabolism so you can regulate weight.  Exercise first thing in the morning will do that for you.

Like anything, plan ahead.  If you don’t think about it before going to sleep you probably won’t think about it when you wake up.  Write it down on a post-it note and stick it on the alarm clock if you must.  Put it on the bathroom mirror so you see it first thing along the way.  Do what it takes to get moving first thing in the morning. After a few days, you will feel that change in your body and will start automatically going into a “move first thing in the morning” habit.  Try exercise first and get more energy for the whole day.


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