Season for Detox – Day 16

I’m so excited about continuing with this detox.  I feel I could be doing a better job.  I realized that making these posts helps with the accountability that helps with motivation to keep going.  I’ve strayed a bit from the original food choices I had selected to use over the 28 days.  This was mostly due to curiosity about a new way of eating raw and some boredom with the set of recipes I had to support this detox. 

It doesn’t help to enjoy cooking.  It only makes me want to try new recipes.  Every time I find something delicious, low-fat, and healthy, I want to give it a try.  As long as it stays within the parameters of raw and vegan it could be fine with the diet.  What I”m finding however is that the less complicated the  food the better; not only for the detox but for the digestive system in general.  My tastes seem to be changing in this way in that I’m much more satisfied with less complicated flavors and seasonings. 

I’m also finding my palette to becoming more sensitive to what is in the foods.  I can taste seasoning more and enjoying the basic tastes of the various vegetable combinations.   I contribute this to cleansing of the digestive system.

Today, (yesterday now) was a complete Lentil soup day.  One reason for this is that i knew we would be traveling this weekend. I didn’t want to freeze the soup and didn’t want to leave it uneaten in the refrigerator.  I got such enjoyment of it hat I ate a bowl for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  For lunch, I added a very small handful amount of left-over brown rice that I had cooked for my husband’s dinner last night.  That gave a different texture.  Threw in a little salt and garlic powder.  Otherwise it was only the vegetables and that was it.

I’m a bit concerned about what I’ll be eating over the weekend in San Francisco but will take each meal one bite at a time.  I packed  my Blendtec Blender and made two packets of fruits and vegetables for green smoothies each morning.  This consisted of kale, parsley and celery, fresh strawberries and a banana.  Filled two gallon jugs of filtered water (I always take this to have in a hotel room), along with snacks of raw almonds and raisons.  That will at least get the two of us through breakfast and late evening munchies.

Got a late start; didn’t leave home until after 9 p.m. arrived in San Francisco after midnight.  Need some rest; that’s why I didn’t post last night!


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Posted in Detox, Women's Health

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