Monthly Archives: June 2014

Gym Exercise Goes Better with Friends

I’ve always wondered what people found to be so exciting about doing gym exercises. Probably like many of you, I’ve tried gym membership more than once. In fact I’ve lost more money on gym membership than I can to disclose. But as hard as I try, I can’t keep going steadily to the gym.

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Posted in Exercise for women

Get Your Cardio Exercise in While Watching TV

If you have time to sit and watch TV on a daily basis, you have time to make sure that you are getting in some cardio exercise. The real trick is making sure that you are able to do both without giving up one or the other.

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Posted in Exercise for women

Breath Exercises for Health

Who would ever think that breathing right could help you stay fit and maybe even lose weight? To increase metabolism, improve circulation, even increase benefits of exercise, learn breath exercises that can help your health.

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Posted in Exercise for women

Lifestyle Exercise Goes to the Mall

You may not think about getting exercise at the mall, but it’s a great place to get a bit more lifestyle exercise. Lifestyle exercise is movement you do while doing regular movements during the day. A good example of this is spending a day at the mall. How can shopping at the mall help you to exercise and stay in shape? Here are a few ways.

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Posted in Exercise for women

Lifestyle Exercise Can Keep You in Shape

When you move and eat you start to change your life. Lifestyle exercises can be an easy part of this. Getting up more, especially if you’re in your seat most of the day for your work or otherwise. Moving doesn’t have to be formal exercise. You don’t have to run to the gym or jog for hours at a time. All you really need to do is find ways to get more lifestyle exercise into your routine.

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Posted in Exercise for women

Getting Fit with the Glycemic Index

You obviously know that exercise can be quite a challenge considering the fact that you probably have a very busy daily schedule. Not only that, if you’re like many people who sit too much and move too little, exercise may

Posted in Healthy Eating & Nutrition