Get Your Cardio Exercise in While Watching TV

If you have time to sit and watch TV on a daily basis, you have time to make sure that you are getting in some cardio exercise. The real trick is making sure that you are able to do both without giving up one or the other.

You can figure out how to have the best of both worlds, that is exercise and TV. I have to admit, there are a few shows I really enjoy watching. So to get in some exercises, I pull out my mini-trampoline right in the living room with the TV. Then I select a show with great background music and jump to the rhythm of the show. A mini trampoline let’s me do rebounding exercises that help realign the organs while burning loads of calories. One of the best shows to rebound too is re-runs of Scandal. I never realized how fast the background music was until I started trying to jump to the beat of that background music.

Talk about a work-out.

My heart rate goes up, I’m feel invigorated and I get in at least 43 minutes of cardio exercise.

So take this idea and “run” with it! You can also use a treadmill or stationary bike in your TV room and do the same thing. Then just get up from the couch and go over to do a little bit of exercise while you’re watching TV. After all, jumping on a trampoline, riding an exercise bike or walking on a treadmill is not going to become one of your favorite ways to watch TV. Just adjust the volume so you hear everything and get your exercise in.

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Posted in Exercise for women