Fruitarianism as a Raw Food Diet

It seems that you can select a different way of eating everyday of the week.  With some many choices it can be difficult to find the right way to eat just for you.  For some, vegetarianism is a type of lifestyle decision they choose to make.  They may choose this eating style for health reasons, for the good of the environment, or to avoid animal cruelty.

Some vegetarians choose to be vegan, meaning that they do their best to avoid eating any products that have any types of ingredients that originate from animals, including eggs and dairy products. There are other forms of vegetarianism that are not as commonly found throughout society, and one of these forms is known as fruitarianism.

As the name implies, fruitarianists work towards having diets that consist solely of the fruits from plants and trees. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the aspects of fruitarianism so that you can get a better idea of what the lesser-known practice is all about.

The fruitarian diet can really differ depending upon the individual that is undergoing the practice.

  • Some make at least 50% or more of their meals bot be from fruits.
  • For some, the definition of a fruit may include such foods such as nuts, grains, or bell peppers.
  • Some argue that a true fruitarian will only eat fruits that will naturally fall off of the plant, so that they may avoid killing the plant by harvesting the fruit.

Many people are motivated to follow this diet due to religious reasons; they may employ a holistic approach to medicine and argue that a fundamentalist lifestyle should be sought after, stating that Adam and Eve ate fruit in order to set a good example. Others simply feel that they want to avoid destroying life as much as possible, treading lightly on the earth and being gentle to both plant and animal life.

The diet is definitely not without its critics; the United States National Institute of Health has stated that a fruitarian is unable to get the proper amount of vitamin B12 in their diet, which can be damaging to their health. Also, the lack of protein that the diet promotes can be problematic in terms of an individual’s level of health. If you are considering becoming a fruitarian and are wondering about how the diet can be sustainable while maintaining your level of health, you may want to consider supplementing your diet with protein, vitamin B12, and several other key nutrients that you are unable to obtain via fruit.

Without a doubt, the fruitarian diet can be very difficult to maintain.  If you agree with the principles of the diet, you may want to consider trying to ease into it by eating more fruit and decreasing your consumption of animal products. Usually a slow and steady path towards a fruitarian diet can be ultimately more successful than trying to immediately switch to the diet immediately.  Also, be sure to do plenty of research regarding exactly what types of supplementation you will need to do with your diet in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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Posted in Raw Food, Vegetarian

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